
Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

Terms of Service& Privacy Policy

The User’s attentionis drawn to these Terms of Service because they are important and should becarefully noted. This Agreement applies to any User. If there is any provisionin this Agreement that the User does not understand, it is the User’sresponsibility to ask the Company to explain it to the User before accessingthe Website again or continuing to use the Website, failing which, the Usermust leave the Website. The Company permits the use of this Website subject tothis Agreement. By using this Website in any way, the User shall be deemed tohave accepted this Agreement unconditionally. The User must not use thisWebsite if the User does not agree to this Agreement. ThisWebsite is a service made available by the Company and it may only be usedunder the following terms and conditions, which shall constitute an agreementbetween the Company and the User (“this Agreement”). The User’s use of thisWebsite, whether or not the User explicitly accepts this Agreement, constitutesthe User’s agreement to be bound hereby.

Definitions and Interpretation

a.       “Content” shall include but not belimited to all digital or non-digital products or services, forms of media,information made available on the Website, including but not limited to text,user submissions, images, audio, video, documents, online courses, packages,and other downloadable or interactive resources. This includes multimediafiles, downloadable resources, written posts, educational materials, and anyother items, whether purchased or free, presented in whole or in part, acrossvarious formats or delivery methods, made accessible through the Website. Thisapplies to all content available now and which may be added at any time infuture.

b.       "Submissions" shallinclude but not be limited to notes, images, creative materials, ideas,suggestions concepts, communications including any data, questions, answers,ratings, reviews, testimonials, comments and other information submitted on theWebsite via transmission by electronic mail or otherwise.

c.       “The Company” means SalesCore (Pty) Ltd (registration number 2022/321082/07).

d.       “User” means any as individual orentity (including but not limited to users who are browsers, vendors, customersand potential customers, merchants, and/or contributors of content) whichaccesses this Website from any location, notwithstanding the fact that such aperson only visited the home page of the Website, but shall also include anyonewho interacts with the Website’s features, including but not limited tobrowsing, creating accounts, making submissions, engaging with, accessing,purchasing or consuming any Content. In this context, the User is both a Websitevisitor and a potential consumer, who thereby engages our “Services” and whosepersonal data may be collected and processed in accordance with applicableprivacy laws.

e.       “The Website” means thewebsite located at and includes all of the Content thereon oraccessible via links and other addresses supported by third parties which canbe accessed via the Website.

In this Agreementunless it appears to the contrary, the singular shall include the plural andvisa versa, any reference to any gender shall also include the opposite genderand any reference to a natural person, shall include legal person and visaversa.

Terms of Service

1.        Website License & Use

i.         As a User of this Website, the User isgranted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited license to accessand use the Website and Content in accordance with this Agreement. The Companymay terminate this license at any time and for any reason.

2.       Trade Mark, Copyright and Restrictions onUse

i.         The Content on this Website is for theUser’s personal or professional use only and not for commercial exploitation.

ii.         If you purchase a product with a singleseat and licence, it is allocated directly to you and for your use only.  If you purchase multiple products and/ormultiple seats and licences,  each one ofthem may only be allocated by you to one person within your organization.Sharing licenses or login credentials with more Users than the number of seatsis strictly prohibited and may result in the immediate cancellation of all ofthe licenses without refund or the requirement for you to immediately pay prorata for the number of extra Users who accessed the Company’s products orServices, at the Company’s discretion. You agree that all Users who access theContent, regardless of whether or not this is performed in line with this term,are part of your organization and shall automatically be bound by thisAgreement.

iii.         Likewise, if an organization purchases aproduct which is intended for individual use, either directly or through anindividual affiliated in any way with the organization, which results in theCompany generating less revenue than if the product was purchased correctly interms of the offers for organizations (or Teams) on the Website, it may resultin the immediate cancellation of the license without refund or the requirementfor organization to immediately pay for the correct product, at the Company’sdiscretion.

iv.         The User is strictly prohibited fromcreating works that are based on the Content. The prohibition appliesregardless of whether the Content is sold, negotiated or given away and/orfurther alienated in any manner whatsoever.

v.         The User, with the inclusion but not thelimitation of the following, may not reproduce, duplicate, publish, modify,copy, download, upload in any manner, post, broadcast or transmit, reverseengineer or disenable, display, or distribute or in any way exploit any of the Content,except in so far that the User may download or print one copy of the Content onany single computer for the User's personal, non-commercial use only. Providedthat all propriety notices and restrictions attached to the Content are kept intact,unless expressly permitted by the site, or unless prior written consent fromthe Company has been obtained.

vi.         Users may not decompile, reverseengineer, disassemble, rent, lease, loan, sell, sublicense or create derivativeworks from this Website or Content.

vii.         Users may not use any network monitoringor discovery software to determine the site architecture or extractinformation.

viii.         Users may not use any robot, spider, webcrawlers, other automatic software or device, or manual process to monitor,search or copy this Website or the Content without the Company's prior writtenpermission.

ix.         Users may note use the bandwidth andstorage resources provided by the Company or third parties in an unreasonableand disproportionate manner. The Company may monitor usage to ensure fairdistribution of resources among all of our Users. In the event that yourbandwidth or storage usage exceeds what we view in our sole discretion isreasonable and proportionate, the Company reserves the right to takeappropriate measures, including but not limited to implementing bandwidththrottling, imposing storage limits, suspending or terminating your access tothe services, in whole or in part, without liability.

x.         Users may not use this Website totransmit any false, misleading, fraudulent or illegal communications, or usethe Services for or in connection with any illegal or unauthorized purpose orin a manner that:

a.         infringes, violates or misappropriatesany rights of any person, including intellectual property, confidentiality orprivacy rights;

b.         is harmful, fraudulent, deceptive,misleading, threatening, harassing, defamatory, offensive, biased, obscene,vulgar, indecent, menacing, tortious or otherwise objectionable as determinedby us in our sole discretion;

c.         attempts, in any manner, to obtain thepassword, account, or other security information from any other User;

d.         violates the security of any computernetwork, or crack any passwords or security encryption codes;

e.         results in the submission of false ormisleading information; or

f.          violates any laws, rules or regulationsin your jurisdiction.

xi.         Users may not copy, modify, reproduce,republish, distribute, display, or transmit for commercial, non-profit orpublic purposes all or any portion of this Website, except to the extentpermitted above.

xii.        No person may frame the Website, in anymanner whatsoever, without the prior written consent of the Company.

xiii.         The Company shall not be liable, in anymanner whatsoever, for any damage, loss or liability that resulted from the useof such Content by the User or any third party who obtained any Content fromthe User.

xiv.         Hyperlinks to the Website from any othersource shall be directed at the home page of the Website. The Company shall notbe liable, in any manner whatsoever, for any damage, loss or liability thatresulted from the use of Content from the Website if such Content was accessedthrough a hyperlink which was not directed at the home page of the Website.Persons that wish to link to Content beyond the home page of the Website shalldo so at their own risk and indemnify the Company against any loss, liabilityor damage that may result from the use of Content from the Website. The Company’snon-liability for deep linking is based on the fact that deep links may bypass thisAgreement.

3.       Nomination of Additional Users

i.           For each bundle purchased, which includesour currently-named “Buy One, Gift One” initiative, the purchaser may nominateone individual between the ages of 18 and 23 to receive the equivalent versionof the bundle purchased, who shall automatically become a User in terms of thisAgreement. The recipient of such nomination shall not be able to nominate anyfurther recipients. The Company reserves the right to verify the eligibility ofthe nominated individual, including confirming his/her age. The User isrequired to provide accurate and sufficient contact details (such as name,email address, and phone number) of the nominee to enable the Company tocontact and grant him/her access to the course. If the nominated individualdoes not meet the age criteria or if the information provided is insufficient,the Company reserves the right to deny access to the relevant course withoutfurther obligation. The Company also reserves the right to modify ordiscontinue the nomination offer at any time, without prior notice.

4.       Intellectual Property Rights and Domain NameUse

i.         All intellectual property on the Website,including but not limited to Content, trademarks, domain names, patents, designelements, software, databases, text, graphics, icons and hyperlinks are theproperty of or licensed to the Company and as such, are protected frominfringement by domestic and international legislation and treaties. Subject tothe rights licensed to the User herein, all other rights to intellectualproperty on the Website are expressly reserved.

ii.         “Sales Core”, in any number of variationsand arrangements may, now or in the future, constitute a registered trademarkand Users agree not to use such trademark as an element of a domain name or sub-domainname, notwithstanding the fact that such domain name use or registration may beallowed in terms of trademark and/or constitutional law. Upon request to do so,a User shall immediately cease to use such domain name and transfer it to the Companyat the cost of the User.

5.       Changes and Amendments

i.         The Company expressly reserves the right,in its sole and absolute discretion, to do any of the following, at any timewithout prior notice, although it is under no obligation to do so:

a.       change this Agreement;

b.       change the Content;

c.       discontinue any aspect of the Website;

d.       change the software and hardware requiredto access and use the Website.

6.       Products and Services

i.         Certain products or Services may beavailable exclusively online through the Website. These products or Servicesmay have limited quantities.  All salesare final unless otherwise stated.

ii.         The Company reserves the right, but isnot obligated, to limit the sales of its products or Services to any person,geographic region, or jurisdiction. The Company may exercise this right on acase-by-case basis. All descriptions of products or product pricing are subjectto change at any time without notice, at the sole discretion of us. The Companyreserves the right to discontinue any product at any time. Any offer for anyproduct or Service made on this Website is void, where prohibited or impossible.

iii.         We do not warrant that the quality of anyproducts, Services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by youwill meet your expectations, or that any errors in the Service will becorrected.

7.         Software Version Disclaimer

i.          The instructional content provided by theCompany in its coursework, including but not limited to guidance on usingMicrosoft Power BI, Microsoft Excel and any other third-party software isintended for general informational purposes only. Due to ongoing updates andchanges to these software programs, the Company does not guarantee that theinstructions will remain accurate or applicable across all versions, now or inthe future.

ii.           The Company is not liable for anydiscrepancies, inaccuracies or difficulties arising from software updates thatmay alter the functionality or steps required to perform certain tasks. Thesechanges are beyond the Company’s control and Users acknowledge this. In theevent that a method of performing a function differs from the providedinstructions, customers agree to make reasonable efforts to independentlydetermine the appropriate steps.

8.       Optional Tools

i.         The Company may provide you with accessto third-party tools over which we neither monitor nor have any control norinput. You acknowledge and agree that the Company provides access to such tools”as is” and “as available” without any warranties, representations orconditions of any kind and without any endorsement. The Company shall have noliability whatsoever arising from or relating to your use of optionalthird-party tools. Any use by you of the optional tools offered through the Websiteis entirely at your own risk and discretion and you should ensure that you arefamiliar with and approve of the terms on which tools are provided by therelevant third-party providers.

ii.         The Company may also, in the future,offer new Services and/or features through the Website (including, the releaseof new tools and resources). Such new features and/or Services will be subjectto this Agreement.

9.       Accuracy of Billing & AccountInformation

i.         The Company reserves the right torefuse any order you place with it. The Company may, in its sole discretion,limit or cancel quantities purchased per person, per household, or per order.These restrictions may include orders placed by or under the same customeraccount, the same credit card, and/or orders that use the same billing and/orshipping address. In the event that the Company makes a change to or cancel anorder, we may attempt to notify you by contacting the e-mail and/or billingaddress or phone number provided at the time the order was made. The Companyreserves the right to limit or prohibit orders that, in our sole judgment,appear to be placed by dealers, resellers or distributors which are notauthorised by us for such purposes.

ii.         As a User, you agree to providecurrent, complete, and accurate purchase and account information for allpurchases made on the Website or any third party website. You agree to promptlyupdate your account and other information, including your email address andcredit card numbers and expiration dates, so that we can complete yourtransactions and contact you as needed.

10.     Prices & Payment

i.         Prices are subject to changewithout notice. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue the Services (orany part or content thereof) without notice at any time.

ii.         All prices displayed on ourwebsite are quoted exclusive of Value-Added Tax (VAT). Where required by law,we reserve the right to charge VAT at the applicable rate at checkout or interms of an invoice. By completing a purchase, you acknowledge your liability andaccept of any applicable VAT charges, even if not levied at the time ofcheckout.

iii.         We will not be liable to you or toany third-party for any modification, price change, suspension, ordiscontinuance of the Service. When you purchase products or services orContent from our Website or via any third party, you agree to provide current,complete, and accurate purchase and account information.

iv.         We use trusted third-party paymentprocessors to handle payment transactions, and we have been advised that theseprocessors comply with industry security standards, including encryption ofpayment information and adherence to PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry DataSecurity Standard) requirements. These standards help ensure the securehandling of your credit card and payment data during the transaction process.

v.         Your purchase transaction datawill only be stored for as long as necessary to complete your purchase. Oncethe transaction is finalized, all payment details, except for those required tomaintain records for legal and regulatory obligations, will be deleted oranonymized by us or our third-party payment processor.

vi.         By making a purchase, youauthorize us and the relevant payment processor to charge the applicable amountto your selected payment method. Any refunds, chargebacks, or disputesregarding the payment will be handled according to our refund policy and the termsset forth by the third-party payment processor.

vii.         You are responsible for any fees,including but not limited to transaction fees, foreign exchange fees, or othercosts related to the use of your payment method.

11.       Refunds

i.         Refunds are available within 5 business daysof the purchase date, provided that any single User (as an individual or assomeone forming part of an entity) has not viewed or completed more than 50% ofall course content within any package. The Company is able to track the User'sprogress and viewing of the courses in detail, and if it is found that morethan 50% of all course content within any package has been utilized, the refundrequest will not be granted. The User acknowledges that evaluating the possibleusefulness of the course does not require completing 100% of the content, and thatattempting to access and utilize the majority of the courses before requestinga refund on the basis that no value was gained is not in good faith orconscionable. Transaction fees may be deducted from the refund amount and theCompany shall not be liable for such shortfall in any manner whatsoever.

12.     Third Party Services

i.         In general, the third-partyproviders used by us will only collect, use and disclose your information tothe extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide to us.

ii.         However, certain third-partyservice providers, such as payment gateways and other payment transactionprocessors, have their own privacy policies in respect of the information weare required to provide to them for your purchase-related transactions. Forthese providers, we recommend that you read their privacy policies so you canunderstand the manner in which your personal information will be handled bythese providers.

iii.         Certain providers may be locatedin- or have facilities that are located in- a different jurisdiction thaneither you or us. If you elect to proceed with a transaction that involves theservices of a third-party service provider, then your information may becomesubject to the laws of the jurisdiction(s) in which that service provider orits facilities are located.

iv.         Once you leave our Website or areredirected to a third-party website or application, you are no longer governedby our Terms of Service or Privacy Policy.

v.         In the event that such third partyservices are not available at any point of time and for any period, for anyreason whatsoever outside of the direct control of the Company, the User shallhave no claim at all against the Company, including for damages or entitlementsto refunds or the like.

13.     Third Party References

i.         Any references to third-party companies,tools, or services mentioned on the Website or in course materials are providedfor example or reference purposes only. The Company does not endorse,recommend, or make any representations regarding the accuracy, reliability,suitability, or quality of these third-party tools or services. The inclusionof such references should not be interpreted as an endorsement or affiliation.

14.     Hyperlinks to Third Party Sites

i.         The Company may provide hyperlinks towebsites not controlled by the Company (“target sites”). Such links do notimply any endorsement, agreement on- or support for- the content of such targetsites. The Company does not editorially control the content on such targetsites and shall not be liable, in any manner whatsoever, for the access to,inability to access or content available on or through such target sites. We arenot responsible for the privacy practices of other sites and encourage you toread their privacy statements.

ii.         Certain content, products and Servicesavailable via our Service may include materials from third-parties. Third-partylinks on this site may direct you to third-party websites that are notaffiliated with us. The Company is not responsible for examining or evaluatingthe content or accuracy and does not warrant and will not have any liability orresponsibility for any third-party materials or websites, or for any othermaterials, products, or Services of third-parties.

iii.         We are not liable for any harm or damagesrelated to the purchase or use of goods, Services, resources, content, or anyother transactions made in connection with any third-party websites or tools.Complaints, claims, concerns, or questions regarding third-party productsshould be directed to the third-party.

15.     Security

i.         The Company shall take all reasonablesteps to secure the Website, however, the Company does not make any warrantiesor representations that it shall be 100% safe and secure.

ii.         The Company is under no legal duty toencrypt any part of the Website or any Content or communications from and tothe Website and is also under no legal duty to provide digital authenticationof any page on the Website.

iii.         Users may not deliver or attempt todeliver, whether on purpose or negligently, any damaging code, such as computerviruses, to the Website or the server and computer network that support theWebsite. Notwithstanding criminal prosecution, any person who delivers anydamaging code to the Website, whether on purpose or negligently, shall, withoutany limitation, indemnify and hold the Company harmless against any and allliability, damages and losses the Company and its partners or affiliates maysuffer as a result of such damaging code.

iv.         Users may not develop, distribute or useany device to breach or overcome the security measures of the Company, and theCompany reserves the right to claim damages against any and all personsconcerned with a security failure or breach.

16.     Disclaimer, Limitation of Liability &Indemnification

Website and Content Access: TheCompany (including but not limited to its owners, directors, employees,suppliers, partners, affiliates, agents, parent company, subsidiaries, officers,contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, and interns) shallnot be liable for any damage, loss, or liability of any nature incurred by anyparty arising from access to the Website or Content, access to linked websites,inability to access the Website, inability to access linked websites, contentavailable on the Website, or services available through the Website. Thisexclusion of liability also applies to any other event not directly related tothe Company’s gross negligence.

i.         Use of the Website and Services: TheCompany shall not be liable for any loss, claim, liability, or damage of anykind resulting from your use of the Website or any services provided. Youexpressly agree that your use of the services is at your sole risk.

ii.         "As Is" Basis: The Website, itscontent, and the services provided are supplied on an "as is" and"as available" basis without warranties or representations of anykind, either express or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, impliedwarranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, durability,title, and non-infringement. It is your responsibility to ensure that thecontent, products, and services offered on the Website meet your individualrequirements and are compatible with your hardware and software before enteringinto any agreement with the Company.

iii.         Errors and Omissions: The Company doesnot warrant that the content or services available on the Website will alwaysbe true, correct, complete, or free from errors. The Company reserves the rightto correct any typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions related toproduct descriptions, pricing, promotions, offers, shipping charges, transittimes, and availability without prior notice. The Company is not obligated toupdate or clarify information in the service or on any related website,including pricing, except as required by law.

iv.         Professional Advice Disclaimer: Anyinformation, ideas, or opinions expressed by the Company via electroniccommunications or on the Website should not be considered professional advice.Users are encouraged to consult with a qualified professional before acting onany information provided on the Website.

v.         Service Availability: The Company doesnot guarantee, represent, or warrant that your use of the service will beuninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free. The Company may remove or cancelservices at any time, without notice to you, for indefinite periods of time.

vi.         No Liability for Third-Party Services:The Company integrates and references third-party services and tools forillustrative purposes only. The Company is not liable for any serviceinterruptions, failures, or damages resulting from the performance or failureof these third-party providers. Any such issues do not entitle you to a refundor compensation.

vii.         Force Majeure: Users acknowledge thataccess to the Website and communication with the Company may be interrupted dueto events beyond the Company’s control, including but not limited to powerfailures, virus infections, or other "acts of God."

viii.         Limitations of Liability for Damages: Inno event shall the Company (including but not limited to its owners, directors,employees, suppliers, partners, affiliates, agents, parent company,subsidiaries, officers, contractors, licensors, service providers,subcontractors, and interns) be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,punitive, special, or consequential damages, including but not limited to lostprofits, lost revenue, lost savings, loss of data, replacement costs, or anysimilar damages arising from your use of the Website, services, or any productsprocured through the Website. This applies regardless of the nature of theclaim, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, orotherwise, even if the Company has been advised of the possibility of suchdamages.

ix.         Jurisdictional Limitations: Because somestates or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liabilityfor consequential or incidental damages, in such states or jurisdictions, theCompany’s liability shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.

x.         Indemnification: You agree to indemnify,defend and hold the Company (including but not limited to its owners,directors, employees, suppliers, partners, affiliates, agents, parent company,subsidiaries, officers, contractors, licensors, service providers,subcontractors, and interns) harmless from any claim or demand, includingreasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third-party due to or arising out ofyour breach of these Terms of Service or the documents they incorporate byreference, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third-party.

17.      Removal and Correction of Content

i.         Users are encouraged to report untrue,inaccurate, defamatory, illegal, infringing and/or harmful Content available onthe Website to the Company. The Company undertakes to correct and/or removesuch Content or any part thereof if the person reporting such Content providedreasonable grounds to prove the alleged nature of the Content.

18.     Lifetime Access

i.         Purchases that include “lifetime access”provide the User with ongoing access to the course content for as long as theCompany offers the course and/or for as long as the Company remains inoperation. In any event, lifetime access applies only to the current version ofthe course available at the time of purchase. This does not include access toany future updates, new releases, or similar courses that may be introducedafter the purchase.

ii.         The Company reserves the right todiscontinue or modify the course at any time, for any reason, without notice.In the event that the course is discontinued, the User’s access may beterminated, and no refunds will be issued. The User acknowledges that lifetimeaccess does not imply any guarantee of perpetual availability and agrees thatthe Company will not be liable for any modifications or discontinuation of thecourse, or any damage, loss, or liability of any nature incurred by any partyarising as a result of this.

19.     Interception of Communications

i.         Subject to the provisions of theRegulation of Interception of Communications (RIC) Act 70 of 2002, the Useragrees to the Company’s right to intercept, block, filter, read, delete,disclose and use all communications sent or posted by the User to the Websiteor its staff and employees.

ii.         The User agrees and acknowledges that theconsent provided by the User in terms of this Agreement satisfies the “writing”requirement.

20.    User Comments, Feedback, Grant & Conditions

i.         If you choose to provide feedback,including any ideas, suggestions, concepts, processes, techniques, questions,answers, codes/scripts, and other comments related to our Website or our Services,proposed services, documentation or business (“Feedback”), we will own and mayuse such Feedback without any restrictions and obligations to you, and youhereby waive any claim you have to ownership, compensation, monetary orotherwise.

ii.         You grant us a non-exclusive right to useyour trade-names, trademarks, service marks, trade dress and logos to promoteour Service.

iii.         We may, but have no obligation to,monitor, edit or remove content that we determine in our sole discretion to beunlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obsceneor otherwise objectionable or violates any party’s intellectual property orthese Terms of Service.

iv.         You agree that your comments will notviolate any right of any third-party, including copyright, trademark, privacy,personality or other personal or proprietary right. You further agree that yourcomments will not contain libelous or otherwise unlawful, abusive, or obscenematerial, or contain any computer virus or other malware that could in any wayaffect the operation of the Service or any related website. You may not use afalse e-mail address, pretend to be someone other than yourself, or otherwisemislead us or third-parties as to the origin of any comments. You are solelyresponsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take noresponsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or anythird-party.

21.     Unlawful Activity

i.         The Company reserves the right toinvestigate complaints, suspicions or reported violations of this Agreement andto take any action it deems appropriate, including but not limited to reportingany suspected unlawful activity to the applicable authorities, regulators orthird parties and disclosing and information necessary to appropriate suchpersons or entities.

22.    Entire Agreement, Amendments & Severability

i.         This Agreement constitutes the entireagreement between the Company and the User and shall take precedent over anydisclaimers and/or legal notices attached to any communications and/or postingsreceived by the Company from the User.

ii.         We reserve the right to modify this Agreementat any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications willtake effect immediately upon their posting on the Website.

iii.         If the Website or courses or any relevantcomponents of our business are acquired or merged with another company, yourinformation may be transferred to the new owners so that we/they may continueto sell products and services to you.

iv.         In the event that any clause detailedherein is found unenforceable or invalid for any reason, such term(s) orcondition(s) shall be severable from the remaining clauses. The remaining clausesshall remain enforceable and applicable.

23.    Applicable and Governing Law

i.         Notwithstanding the “.com” domain of thisWebsite, the Website is controlled and operated from the Republic of SouthAfrica and, therefore, the South African law enforced by the South Africancourts governs the use or inability to use the Website, its Content, servicesand this Agreement.

24.    Termination

i.         The use of or access to the Websiteconstitutes the Users acceptance of this Agreement, which are binding on the Userand shall take effect on the date when the User first makes use of or accessesthe Website.

ii.         If the User does not accept all the clausesin this Agreement in full, the User must exit the site immediately.

iii.         The Company has the exclusive discretionto terminate the agreement at any time.

iv.         After the User has exited the site asaforesaid, the User must destroy all content, whether content, materials orsoftware, obtained from the site and all copies thereof.

v.         In the event of the User failing to exitthe site as aforesaid, the Company has the right to claim any indirect, direct,incidental, special or punitive damages caused to the Company from the Usersunauthorized access and/or use of Website. The User further indemnifies the Companyagainst any claims for damages of whatsoever nature caused to another party bythe Users unauthorised use and/or access of the Website.

Privacy Policy

1.          Policy Terms

i.         The Company shall take all reasonablesteps to protect the personal information of Users and for the purpose of thisclause, “personal information” shall be defined as detailed in the Promotion ofAccess to Information Act 2 of 2000 (“PAIA”). The Company's PAIA Manual can bedownloaded using the following link:

ii.         The Company may electronically collect,store and use the following personal information of Users, whether submitteddirectly or otherwise collected, including but not limited to data containing namesand surnames, birth dates, genders, addresses (physical and digital), contactnumbers, browsing habits and click patterns, e-mail address, User-selectedpasswords, IP address and any other personal and entity data.

iii.         The Company may collect, store and usethe abovementioned information for the following purposes:

a.       providing support and services to theUser;

b.       inform the User of facts relating tohis/her access and use of the Website and inform the User about competitions andoffers from the Company and/or its partners or affiliates; and

c.       to compile statistical information aboutbrowsing habits, click-patterns and access to the Website.

iv.         The Company may collect, maintain, save,compile, share, disclose and sell any information collected from Users, subjectto the following provisions:

a.       The Company shall not disclose personalinformation from Users unless the User consents thereto, which consent ishereby provided by the User;

b.       The Company shall disclose informationwithout the User’s consent only through due legal process; and

c.       The Company may compile, use and shareany information that does not relate to any specific individual.

v.         The Company owns and retains all rightsto non-personal statistical information collected and compiled by the Company.

vi.         This Policy describes how the Companycollects and uses the personal information provide to it by its Users. It alsodescribes the choices available to the User regarding the Company’s use of the User’spersonal information and how the User can access and update this information.The Company is committed to protecting the privacy of Users of this Website andits services. To better inform the User of the Company’s policy concerning Userprivacy, the Company has adopted the following terms, which adhere to theGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Protection of PersonalInformation Act (POPIA) 4 of 2013.

vii.         It is possible, either now or from timeto time, that for the Company to enable its Users to access the Website, itsservices and all and any functionalities, that the Company may collect, amongstother things, information concerning internet protocol addresses, usernames andpasswords, or other authentication methods, names, postal address, emailaddress and transactional information.

viii.         In connection with any submissions madeon this Website, the Company may collect any number of different data whichfalls within the scope of either the GDPR or POPIA.

ix.         The Company will use its best endeavoursto limit the types of personal information it processes. However, to the extentnecessary, a User’s agreement to this Agreement constitutes consent ascontemplated in section 69 of POPIA and/or Article 7 of the GDPR (whichever isapplicable).

x.         The Company will not collect, use ordisclose sensitive information (such as information about racial or ethnicorigins or political or religious beliefs, where relevant) except with theUser’s specific consent (provided herein or otherwise) or in the circumstancespermitted by law.

xi.         The Personal Information that the Companycollects from Users shall only be accessed by the Company’s employees,representatives and consultants on a need-to-know basis, and subject toreasonable confidentiality obligations binding such persons.

xii.        The Company may also collect certainnon-personally identifiable information, such as the type of browser used bythe User (e.g. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome), the type of operatingsystem used by the User (e.g., Windows or Mac IOS), and the domain name of theInternet service provider used by the User.

xiii.         The Company may also collect personallyidentifiable information through correspondence or submissions transmitted toit by the User.

xiv.         The Company does not knowingly collectpersonally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 16. If it isdiscovered that the Company has collected such information, it will promptlydelete that information.

a.        Data Integrity & Use of theInformation

1.          The Company uses the personal informationcollected in ways that are compatible with the purposes for which it wasintended to be used, such as:

A.         to enable the use of this Website and itsContent and services, and to allow the Company to render services not provideddirectly through this Website.

B.         to respond to a User’s enquiries;

C.        for system administration, customersupport and troubleshooting purposes;

D.        for new product and service announcementsand updates;

E.         to survey you about your usage or seekyour opinion;

F.         for service announcements;

G.        for sending newsletters;

H.        to improve the design of this Website;

I.           to enable the Company to enforce thisAgreement;

J.         to track and analyze site usage.

2.         The Company will take reasonable steps toensure that personally identifiable information is relevant to its intendeduse, accurate, complete, and current. If a User wishes to opt out of theCompany’s use of personally identifiable information, it may do so in line withthis Agreement.

b.        Use of Cookies and Behavioural Targeting

1.          The Company may elect to use"cookie" technology. Cookies are small pieces of data that are storedon the User’s computer and act as a tool for controlling certain systemvariables and storing system configuration information in the “www”environment. From time to time, the Company may use cookies to store userpreferences for viewing the Website, regional and geographical informationconnected to an IP address, and to store submission and authenticationinformation. The Company does not use cookies to identify what other sites aUser has visited. However, the Company may use certain tools to understand theflow of traffic to and from this Website. A User can control the use of cookiesat the individual browser level, but if a User chooses to disable cookies, itmay limit the User’s use of certain features or functions on this Website orits services.

2.         As with most websites, the Company maygather certain information automatically and store it in log files. Thisinformation may include but shall not be limited to IP addresses, browser type,internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system,date/time stamp, and/or clickstream data. The Company may link thisautomatically collected data to other information that it may collects about aUser.

3.         We may also use automated trackingmethods on our Website, in communications with you, and in our products andservices, to measure performance and engagement.

4.         Please note that because there is noconsistent industry understanding of how to respond to “Do Not Track” signals,we may not alter our data collection and usage practices when we detect such asignal from your browser.

5.         While some cookies are used to controlbasic functions of the site, some cookies store basic user information incertain ways.  Some cookies that areessential to a User’s use of this Website may have already been set. The Usermay delete and block all cookies from this Website, but it may not work withoutcookies. At the Company’s discretion, it may elect to use any manner of cookie.

c.         Onward Transfer of Information

1.          The Company may work with otherorganizations that provide specific services to it. The Company will provideonly the personal information necessary for the third party to provide theseservices for it. These organizations may not use personal information exceptfor the purpose of providing these services.

2.         The Company may also transfer personallyidentifiable information to third parties, including third parties locatedinternationally, such as applicable publishers, other content providers, andlibraries, who can better assist with User inquiries, to facilitate orderfulfilment and to enable them to inform Users of services provided by theCompany and/or the third parties' products and services that may be ofinterest, if applicable. The Company shall require that these parties agree toprocess such information based on its instructions and in compliance with thisprivacy policy, and any other appropriate security measures.

3.         In relevant cases, the amount of datatransmitted is limited to the minimum required.

4.         The Company does not sell or sharepersonal information about or the purchasing history of individual Users,except as set forth above and in the following circumstances:

5.         In certain situations, the Company may berequired to disclose personal data in response to lawful requests by publicauthorities, including to meet national security or law enforcementrequirements. The Company will do so if required to by law, or if the Companybelieves, in good faith, that such action is necessary to comply with the lawor a legal proceeding, or to protect against violations of this Agreement, orto protect and defend the Company’s rights and property or the rights andproperty of rights holders whose content is made available through this Websiteand its services, or with service providers with whom the Company has enteredinto agreements to assist it with its business operations;

6.         In addition, the Company may sharegeneral usage data in aggregated form so that no personal information isidentifiable to participating institutions, content providers, researchers, andthe general public. The Company will provide the User with all of the User’sretained personal information provided via the Website, where applicable, onrequest.

d.          Consent

1.          By using this Website, the User consentsto the collection and use, in accordance with this Agreement, of theinformation that the User provide to the Company. The Company will remove aUser’s personally identifiable information from its records or refrain fromusing same on request, if the User should so contact the Company This may prevent a User from accessing this Website and itsservices if the Company requires this information in order to perform properly.

2.         The Company shall be entitled to processa User’s personally identifiable information in South Africa. The User herebyexpressly authorises the transfer of same to the Company in South Africa forprocessing, as and when required to perform its services. By agreeing to thisAgreement, the User and the Company agree to be bound by the StandardContractual Clauses for data transfers between EU and non-EU countries. Thegoverning law shall be law of the member state in which the User is resident.The aforementioned Clauses shall be updated and/or amended from time to time inaccordance with any changes to the applicable data protection law and/or anyupdates to the technical and organisational security measures implemented bythe Company.

e.         Security

1.          The Company protects Users’ personalinformation from unauthorized access and disclosure through the use ofpasswords and physical and software security measures. Nonetheless, the Companyrecognize that third parties may obtain access to information through unlawfulactions, and thus do not promise that a User’s information will always remainprivate, despite the Company’s efforts and the importance it places onmaintaining a User’s privacy. Additionally, the Company does not claim anyresponsibility for information collected by or from websites linking to or fromthis Website.

2.         In the event that the Company discoversor is notified of a security breach where personal information is at risk, itwill notify the User electronically if the Company has a User’s email address.If the User do not wish to be notified via email in the event of a breach,please contact the Company and notify it accordingly.

f.          Access, Erasure and Correction

1.          Upon request, the Company will provide aUser with information about whether it holds any of a User’s personalinformation. If a User would like to review, delete or update such information,the User may contact the Company at The Company will permitthe User to correct, amend, or delete information that is demonstrated to beinaccurate. The Company will respond to such request within a reasonabletimeframe. Please note, because of the way that the Company maintains certain services,after a User deletes or amends such information, residual copies may take aperiod of time before they are deleted from the Company’s active servers, ifapplicable, and may remain in the Company’s backup systems.

2.         The User will need to provide sufficientidentifying information, such as name and email address, and possibleadditional identifying information, as a security precaution.

g.         Data Retention

1.          The Company will retain a User’sinformation for as long as an account is active or as needed to provide theUser with the services that it sought by accessing this Website, or as may berequired by law. If a User wishes to cancel an account or request that theCompany no longer use a User’s information to provide any services, pleasecontact the Company accordingly at The Company will retainand use a User’s information as necessary to comply with its legal obligations,resolve disputes, and enforce any of its agreements.

h.         Enforcement and Dispute Resolution

1.          The Company will use its best endeavoursto ensure compliance with this Policy. The Company encourages interestedpersons to raise any concerns with the Company. The Company will investigateand attempt to resolve complaints and disputes regarding use and disclosure ofpersonal information in accordance with the principles contained in this Policy.

2.         If a User has an unresolved privacy ordata concern that the Company has not addressed satisfactorily, European Uniondata subjects may seek other remedies or lodge a complaint with a supervisoryauthority, in particular in the member state of a User’s habitual residence,place of work or place of the alleged infringement if the data subjectconsiders that the processing of personal data relating to him or her infringesthe GDPR.

i.           Notification of Privacy Policy Changes

1.          The Company may update this privacypolicy to reflect changes to its information practices. If the Company makesany changes to the manner in which it uses a User’s personal information, itwill update this Policy.  The Companyencourages any User to periodically review this Agreement for the latestinformation on its privacy practices.

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